My look Ahead for 2014


Yes as the title says the post is about my plan(rough one) for 2014. Usually at the start of the year I plan and think to do lot of things but this year I am going to be very serious is making it up. Below are the list of things that I have planned to do in this year without failing. I will be striking out the things once I have completed it. This post will be regularly updated.

*Spend More time with family *Do only things that make me feel happy in job *Read 30 Books for the year. *Go the Bachelor’s dream place in India -Goa *Eat Breakfast, lunch & dinner on time without fail *Go for Mid Sea Diving @ Kovalam *Go for minimum 3 Treks this year *Learn to Swim *Learn to drive 4 Wheeler *Partipate in local Marathon and try completing 10K mark *Try completing atleast one online course per two months in any of MOOCS platform(Udacity/Courseera/edX/Academic Earth) *Contribute to a Open Source Project effectively *Participate in lot of Hackathons and build more *Try to give a tech talk in some meetup *Become a GT OMSCS Student *Apply to Hacker School and try getting admitted The above are the list which I have prepared when I start the year. Anything or any additional things I want to include in the list I will add after the below line. Keeping my finger crossed to achieve 100% in the above list.